Central Animal Emergency ClinicEmergency Pet Surgery
Emergency Vet Surgical Services Pet ER Vet Surgery

Coquitlam Emergency Vet Surgery

Expert, Rapid Surgical Responses for Your Dog or Cat

In the critical moments when your pet needs us most, our Coquitlam emergency veterinary clinic is at the forefront of delivering urgent, life-saving surgeries for dogs and cats.

Our dedicated team of veterinary surgeons combines expertise with compassion, ensuring every pet receives immediate, top-tier medical attention. Specializing in a variety of emergency procedures, we're here to support your furry family members with rapid, effective care, every day of the year.

Emergency Dog & Cat Surgery

Our state-of-the-art facility is equipped for a range of emergency surgeries, offering same-day and night interventions to address critical situations. Whether it's an unforeseen injury or a sudden health complication, our expert veterinary surgeons are on hand 24/7 to deliver high-quality care with urgency and precision.

Comprehensive Vet Surgical Services

At the heart of our emergency vet clinic in Coquitlam, we prioritize your pet's health and well-being with a full spectrum of surgical interventions designed to address urgent medical needs.

Our facility is equipped to handle a range of emergency situations, ensuring rapid and effective treatment for your pet. Here's a closer look at some of the veterinary surgical services we provide.

Foreign Body Removal

Our emergency clinic is expertly prepared to manage cases where pets have ingested or are internally affected by foreign objects. Utilizing advanced diagnostic tools, we quickly locate and assess the situation to perform safe and effective removal.

This immediate intervention is crucial to prevent complications such as obstructions or internal damage, ensuring your pet's swift return to health.

Mass Removal

Mass removal is a critical service we offer for pets diagnosed with tumors or growths that could potentially threaten their well-being.

Our experienced veterinary surgeons employ precise techniques to safely remove masses, whether they are located on the skin or within the body.

Early detection and removal are key to preventing the spread of cancerous cells and ensuring a better prognosis for your pet.

Wound Repair

Our clinic provides immediate care for pets suffering from all types of wounds, including cuts, bites, burns, and tears.

Understanding the urgency of such situations, our team is equipped to swiftly clean, treat, and suture wounds, minimizing the risk of infection and promoting faster healing.

Each case is approached with a tailored treatment plan, considering the best method to address your pet's specific injury.

Emergency C-Sections

When natural birthing is not possible due to complications or distress, our emergency vet clinic offers C-section surgeries to safeguard the health of both mother and offspring.

Our skilled veterinary surgeons and supportive staff work together to perform these surgeries with the utmost care and precision, ensuring the safety and well-being of all involved.

Following the procedure, we provide comprehensive post-operative care for the mother, including pain management and recovery monitoring, while also ensuring the newborns receive the necessary care to thrive from their very first moments.

Soft Tissue Surgery

Our clinic excels in the specialized field of soft tissue surgery, addressing conditions that affect the internal organs, body cavities, and other soft tissues.

This encompasses a wide range of procedures, including surgeries for the gastrointestinal tract, respiratory system, urogenital system, and more.

Whether it's a lifesaving procedure to remove a life-threatening obstruction or surgery to repair a hernia, our skilled surgeons are equipped with the latest techniques and technology to ensure the best outcomes.

Why Choose Us

  • Rapid Response: Our clinic operates 365 days a year, including 24 hours on holidays and Sundays, and are ready to provide emergency surgical care whenever the need arises.
  • Expert Team: Led by seasoned veterinary surgeons, our team brings expertise, compassion, and a commitment to excellence in every procedure.
  • Advanced Technology: Utilizing the latest in veterinary surgical technology, we ensure safe, effective treatments for your pets.
  • Comprehensive Care: Post-operative care and pain management are integral to our approach, ensuring your pet's comfort and swift recovery.

Contact Us For Vet Surgical Services

Need an emergency vet? Don't wait. Contact Central Animal Emergency Clinic right away to get the expert care your pet needs. Our team is ready to provide lifesaving care at a moment's notice.

Emergency Vet Surgery Pet Surgical Coquitlam, Surrey, Port Coquitlam, Burnaby
Emergency Pet Vet Surgery Service Vet Coquitlam, Port Coquitlam, Burnaby